ICFRC: Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism
Recorded: November 1, 2024
Runtime: 01:21:02
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Amy Erica Smith is an associate professor of political science and Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean's Professor at Iowa State University. Her research examines politics at the citizen level. She investigates how people around the world understand, interact with, and shaper their democratic and authoritarian regimes - and how civic and religious groups and ideas mobilize them. Regionally, her primary expertise is in Latin America, and particularly Brazil. Over the past few years, she has also been engaged in two projects studying the intersection of gender and academia.
Smith's books include Religion and Brazilian Democracy: Mobilizing the People of God and her articles have appeared or are forthcoming in a number of peer-reviewed outlets. She is on the editorial board of Politics and Religion and an Associate Editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion and Politics. She is also a proud member of the Latin American Public Opinion Project family. In September 2016, she received the Award for Early Achievement in Research from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, Smith is a Luce/ACLS Fellow in Journalism, Religion, and International Affairs as well as a Wilson Center Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
For more information on the Foreign Relations Council visit their website at www.icfrc.org.
ICFRC: Manufacturing Consent - The Failure of EU Elections, Media, and the Public Sphere
Recorded: October 9, 2024
Runtime: 01:01:00
ICFRC: Election Watch 2024 - Journalistic Experience From the Global Stage
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Runtime: 00:59:10