Live Video from City Channel 4

We use YouTube Live and Facebook live streams for select events. Live City Council meetings will be available here, as well as on our FB page at and on our Tube page at A list of currently-scheduled events can be found below:

Scheduled Live Events

Date Time Program
Tuesday, November 19 4:00pm City Council Work Session
Tuesday, November 19/td> 6:00pm City Council Regular Formal Meeting
var myCalendar = createCalendar({ options: { class: 'my-class', id: 'id3' }, data: { title: 'City Council Work Session', start: new Date('November 19, 16:00'), duration: 120, address: '', description: 'Live coverage of the City Council work session.' } }); document.querySelector('.event3').appendChild(myCalendar); var myCalendar = createCalendar({ options: { class: 'my-class', id: 'id4' }, data: { title: 'City Council Formal Meeting', start: new Date('November 19, 2024, 18:00'), duration: 120, address: '', description: 'Live coverage of the formal City Council meeting.' } }); document.querySelector('.event4').appendChild(myCalendar);

To browse our full video library, visit our video page.